Terms of publication in the journal

Condition 1

The research should be characterized by originality, novelty, great scientific and cognitive value, integrity of language and accuracy of documentation, and that it should meet the conditions of research in briefing and investigation and the methodology and steps of scientific research.

Condition 2

The research is presented to highly competent and experienced evaluators (arbitrators), who are selected in strict confidentiality to indicate their originality and compliance with the terms of publication applicable in the journal, and thus their suitability for publication.

Condition 3

The journal reserves the right to request the researcher to reformulate his research, or any part thereof in accordance with its publishing policy, and the journal may make any formal modifications commensurate with the nature of the journal.

Condition 4

The research shall not be part of a previous published research or of a university thesis, and the researcher must submit a written acknowledgement (pledge) that the research will not be published or offered for publication on another journal, and that his research will not be submitted for publication to any other party until the completion of the arbitration procedures, and take the appropriate decision in this regard, and the researcher undertakes that he has reviewed the terms of publication in the journal and adhered to them.

Condition 5

The research or parts thereof may not be published elsewhere after the approval of its publication in the journal except after obtaining a written letter from the President of the International University of Sciences and Renaissance.

Condition 6

The researcher is obliged to pay the expenses resulting from the anonymous double arbitration proceedings in the event of a request to withdraw his research and his desire not to proceed with the evaluation procedures.

Condition 7

The researcher shall be informed of the final decision to accept or reject his research within three to six months from the date of the request for publication of the research.

Condition 8

The research must be written in Arabic or in one of the two foreign languages: English – French.

Condition 9

The number of pages of the research (including figures, drawings and appendices) shall not exceed thirty pages of the journal.

Condition 10

Attached to the research are two summaries, one in Arabic and the other in English or French, and not more than (12) lines each.

Condition 11

Attach to the research a brief scientific biography of the researcher, including the full name of the researcher, his scientific rank, his university, college, department and the most important of his works.

Condition 12

The research shall be organized on a computer according to the terms of publication in the journal and printed on four hard copies, on one side of paper measuring (A4), and attached with it a request form for the publication of the research signed by the researcher and sent within one file to the electronic address of the journal, and the research can be delivered to the director of the journal directly.

Condition 13

Copies of the research shall be sent printed on one side of the paper in size (A4) (with a copy of the research in PDF format) according to the following technical conditions:

 – The title of the research is written between quotation marks like this “____”.

– The headings of the sections in the middle of the page are written in a font of size /18/ with Bold, and the title must be accurate and expressive of the content of the research, and the headlines are written in bold /16/size. -The subheadings are written just below the headlines in bold /14/, while the side headings are written in bold /14/ as well.

– Arabic numerals are adopted in the research (1, 2, 3, …), not Indian numerals (1، 2، 3،…).

– At the beginning of the research: the title of the research, the name of the researcher, the department, the college, the university, the city, and the country, the main headings are numbered with basic numbers, and the sub-headings are numbered with sub-numbers like this:

 (1-, 1-1, 1-2; 2-,2-1,2-2)

Font size: /14/ Simplified Arabic for Arabic texts, and /12/ Time New Roman for English texts. 

-Research pages, including pages of drawings, appendices, tables, and footnotes, are given sequential numbers from the first research to the end of the research.

-The tables headings are in bold size /14/, and are written above the tables. Tables should be given serial numbers, so that the word table is written above the table, then its title, and then its serial number, and the table must be placed on the same page where it is mentioned in the body of the research or the next page, and the pages of the tables are numbered in a sequential manner with the rest of the pages of scientific research.

– The headings of the shapes are in bold /14/size and are written below the shapes. Shapes should be placed in serial numbers, so that a serial number of each shape is placed in parentheses ( ), and numbering is done by typing the word shape and then its number in parentheses and then the title of the shape, provided that the number of the shape is mentioned in the body of the page, and the shape should be placed as close as possible to the place where it was mentioned (the same page on which it was mentioned or the next), and the pages of the shapes are numbered in a sequential way with the rest of the pages of scientific research.

Margins and spaces between lines: margins are /2/ cm on all sides. Spaces or spaces between lines are only one space.

– When we use the method of formatting scientific research in Word, the numbering of pages is done at the bottom and middle of the page (in the research where the writing is on both sides of the pages), but if the writing or printing is on one side of the pages, the numbers are placed in the upper left corner of the research written in Arabic, and in the upper right corner of the research written in a foreign language.

Condition 14

The research shall be accompanied by no more than /6/ keywords (function) of its own, and they shall be in both Arabic and English.

Condition 15

Parts to be covered in scientific research submitted for publication in the Journal of the International University of Science and Renaissance Research:

  • Research Abstract (Arabic) + Search Terms.
  • Research Introduction.
  • Study problem.
  • Hypotheses of the study.
  • Objectives of the study.
  • The importance of the study.
  • Limitations of the study.
  • Study terms and definitions.
  • Theoretical framework and previous studies.
  • Study methodology.
  • Study tool (if any).
  • Conclusions, recommendations, and conclusion.
  • Documentation of references.
  • Study Abstract (in English).
Condition 16

The list of (sources and references) is placed on one page or separate pages arranged according to the approved principles as follows (according to the APA system): surname of the author, name of the author (year of publication). The name of the reference. (Edition number). Place of publication: Publishing house, part, page.

Condition 17

Numbered footnotes are placed at the bottom of each page.

Condition 18

Avoid shorthand unless indicated.

Condition 19

Each shape, image or map in the search is presented on an independent and clear satin paper.

Condition 20

The research should include foreign equivalents of the Arabic terms used, and for some foreign authors, written in their original language.

Condition 21

The research is subject to confidential evaluation (arbitration) to indicate its validity for publication, and the research is not returned to its author if it is not accepted, and the reasons for its rejection are not provided to the researcher.

Condition 22

In addition to the previous conditions, postgraduate students (Master’s, PhD) must meet the following conditions:

  • Sign an acknowledgment that the submitted research is not part of his/her thesis or dissertation but may relate to it.
  • The approval of the professor supervising the research according to the form approved in the journal.
  • A summary of the student’s thesis or thesis in Arabic not exceeding one page.
Condition 23

The researcher receives one copy of the issue in which his research is published.

Condition 24

The research published in the journal expresses the opinions of its authors and not the opinion of the journal.

Condition 25

The journal publishes research translated into Arabic, provided that the foreign text is attached to the translation text, and the translated research is subject to evaluation and previous publication conditions.

Condition 26

The journal accepts the publication of scientific research from inside and outside the International University of Science and Renaissance.

Condition 27

The journal publishes reports on scientific conferences and seminars, and reviews of important Arab and foreign books and periodicals, provided that the number of pages does not exceed ten.

Condition 28

The journal can be contacted to the following address:

Journal of Research of the International University for Science and Renaissance – Syria – Northern Aleppo Countryside – Azaz City



