Faculty of Health Sciences

Home 8 Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences

Mission and Objectives

Home 9 Faculty of Health Sciences
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An innovative and distinguished local academic and research activities that employs the latest educational methods and focuses on integrating health information systems and technologies with public health concepts.


Graduating professionals capable of evidence-based practice that ensures health promotion through its scientific programs.


Qualifying competent and outstanding professionals in the fields of nursing, midwifery, and laboratory sciences to meet the current job market demands.

Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and skills in the healthcare field and related specialties through education, practice, and practical training.

Establishing agreements with local institutions and organizations to promote development in health-related fields.

Providing a healthy environment for individuals, families, and local communities and coordinating with medical facilities and other healthcare institutions.

Securing employment opportunities for graduates of health sciences in various sectors, including hospitals, clinics, government departments, human service organizations, laboratories, educational institutions, and a wide range of private and semi-private healthcare institutions.

Preparing a specialized medical workforce for the future to meet healthcare needs.