Faculty of Architecture

Home 8 Faculty of Architecture 8 Study Program

Faculty of Architecture

Study Program

Home 9 Faculty of Architecture 9 Study Program
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1-Study Program:

Students enrolled in the Associate Degree in College of Architecture (CA) must successfully complete the following (160 credit hours) during ten regular semesters.

  Type of Requirements (Req. Type) Requirement Nature (Reg. Nature) Number of Credit Hours
University (U) Elective (EL) 8
Obligatory (Ob) 8
College (C) Elective (EL) 16
  Obligatory (Ob) 29
Department (D) Elective (EL) 32
Obligatory (Ob) 67
Total of Credit Hours 160


In the following table, the names of the courses, their credit hours, the type of prerequisites, the nature of those prerequisites, and their previous requirements are listed:

Course Credit Regiments
No. Name Code Prerequisites Theoretical Lab Total Required Nature Type
1 Computer Skills COM1001 - 1 1 2 8 Ob U
2 English Language (1) ENGL1001 - 3 0 3 Ob U
3 English Language (2) ENGL2002 - 3 0 3 Ob U
4 Principles of Economics BUS2234 - 1 1 2 8 EL U
5 Environment and Environmental Education BIO1006 - 2 0 2 EL U
6 Islamic Culture HUMA1001 - 3 0 3 EL U
7 Turkish Language for Non-Specialists TURK1022 - 3 0 3 EL U
8 Logic and Scientific Thinking PSY1047 - 2 0 2 EL U
9 Professional Ethics and Legislation MCEL1001 - 2 0 2 EL U
10 Urban Sociology PSY1046 - 3 0 3 EL U
11 Humanities HUMA1002 - 3 0 3 EL U
12 Project Management and Organization of Engineering Projects ARCH3241 - 1 1 2 10 EL C
13 Planning Site Coordination and ARCH3242 - 1 1 2 EL C
14 Engineering Chemistry CHEM1002 - 2 1 3 EL C
15 Statics ARCH2243 MATH1004 3 0 3 EL C
16 Biostatistics STAT1002 - 3 0 3 EL C
17 Public Health PUBH1001 - 3 0 3 EL C
18 Communication Skills BUS2004 - 3 0 3 EL C
19 Arabic Language ARAB1005 - 3 0 3 EL C
20 Mathematics MATH1004 - 3 0 3 29 Ob C
21 Physics PHY2001 - 2 1 3 Ob C
22 Architectural Design ARCH101 PHY2001 2 1 3 Ob C
23 Engineering Software 1 ARCH118 ARCH2011 2 1 3 Ob C
24 Descriptive Geometry ARCH2018 - 2 1 3 Ob C
25 Planning Theories ARCH2017 ARCH2224 2 0 2 Ob C
26 Architecture Theories 1 ARCH1110 - 2 1 3 Ob C
27 History of Architecture 1 ARCH102 - 2 1 3 Ob C
28 History of Architecture 2 ARCH2224 ARCH102 2 1 3 Ob C
29 Freehand Drawing and Models ARCH104 - 1 2 3 Ob C
30 Metal Structures ARCH2222 - 1 1 2 32 EL D
31 Building Materials ARCH107 - 3 0 3 EL D
32 Technical Installations ARCH103 ARCH101 1 1 2 EL D
33 Sustainable Architecture ARCH2012 - 1 1 2 EL D
34 Specifications and Quantities ARCH2016 - 2 1 3 EL D
35 Construction Theories ARCH2328 ARCH101 2 1 3 EL D
36 Materials Resistance ARCH2226 - 3 0 3 EL D
37 Heating and Cooling ARCH2119 ARCH103 1 1 2 EL D
38 Architecture Theories 2 ARCH3331 ARCH1110 1 1 2 EL D
39 Architectural Criticism ARCH2014 - 2 0 2 EL D
40 Interior Architecture ARCH2120 - 1 1 2 EL D
41 Structural Analysis ARCH3433 ARCH2226 2 0 2 EL D
42 Surveying and Documentation ARCH2013 - 2 1 3 EL D
43 Shade and Perspective ARCH105 - 1 2 3 EL D
44 Engineering Software 2 ARCH2223 ARCH118 2 1 3 EL D
45 Architectural Drawing Principles ARCH106 - 1 4 5 67 Ob D
46 Architectural Design 1 ARCH119 ARCH106 1 4 5 Ob D
47 Architectural Design 2 ARCH3229 ARCH119 1 4 5 Ob D
48 Architectural Design 3 ARCH3330 ARCH3229 1 4 5 Ob D
49 Architectural Design 4 ARCH3432 ARCH3330 1 4 5 Ob D
50 Architectural Design 5 ARCH4536 ARCH3432 1 4 5 Ob D
51 Executive Designs 1 ARCH2015 - 1 2 3 Ob D
52 Reinforced Concrete ARCH4535 ARCH3433 2 1 3 Ob D
53 Computer-Aided Design ARCH2011 - 2 1 3 Ob D
54 Architectural Design 6 ARCH4637 ARCH4536 1 4 5 Ob D
55 Urban Planning 1 ARCH2225 ARCH2017 1 2 3 Ob D
56 Executive Designs 2 ARCH2121 ARCH2015 1 2 3 Ob D
57 Architectural Design 7 ARCH4738 ARCH4637 1 3 5 Ob D
58 Architectural Design 8 ARCH4839 ARCH4738 1 4 5 Ob D
59 Urban Planning 2 ARCH2327 ARCH2225 1 2 3 Ob D
60 Graduation Project ARCH3434 ARCH4839 0 4 4 Ob D
Total of Credit Hours 160

3-Courses Descriptions:

  1. Computer Skills: Introduction to computers and information technology, operating systems, the Internet and the web, inside the computer, input and output devices, networks, ethics of information technology, information systems, programming languages. Laboratory: File management, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation software, and internet usage.
  2. English Language 1 (Expressive and Writing Skills): This course is designed to prepare students for writing in English, focusing on reading and writing as integrated skills. Students will study and practice reading comprehension, the writing process, and critical thinking. They will develop the necessary skills to write clear and correct sentences while working on creating focused, developed, and organized paragraphs and/or short essays. Students will be responsible for writing several practical paragraphs/essays. The course may include competency tests in sections or portfolio assessment.
  3. English Language 2 (Conversation Skills): The course content includes conversations, discussions, and presentations on a wide range of concrete, abstract, and specialized topics. It is designed to enhance speaking and listening skills for non-native English speakers, emphasizing pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and American English intonation patterns. Emphasis is placed on oral communication, listening comprehension, and vocabulary development. Students build their skills through intensive instruction and practice.
  4. Principles of Economics: This course explores the economic problem in terms of needs and resources and then examines ways to solve the economic problem using theories of marginal utility, comparative advantage, and scarcity. It also covers economic concepts such as production, income, consumption, and the role of money in the economy.
  5. Environment and Environmental Education: This course covers the concept of the environment and environmental science, the concept of the environmental system and its stability factors, the relationship between humans and the environment, environmental problems, the concept of environmental education and its foundations, the principles of systematic environmental education and its objectives, the content of environmental education, and its teaching requirements. It also includes activities in environmental education, concepts of “population and demography,” population problems and policies, the concept of population education, its necessities, importance, and curriculum. The course will also cover evaluation methods in population education.
  6. Islamic Culture: This course addresses the concept of Islamic culture, its sources, characteristics, the universe, and humanity in Islam. It also covers the importance of Islamic legislation and its features, lawful transactions, as well as social solidarity, work, and production in Islam. It discusses the rights and duties of workers, Islamic care for health, and the Islamic stance on contemporary natural issues. Additionally, the course explores intellectual currents and the Islamic perspective on them.
  7. Turkish Language for Non-Specialists: This course introduces students to the Turkish language, starting with the pronunciation and writing of Turkish letters and the grammatical and spelling rules related to this language. It then progresses to listening to and comprehending simplified Turkish texts, as well as developing reading, understanding, and comprehension skills for simple texts related to daily activities. The course also includes conversation in Turkish and conducting dialogues among students to enable them to form a comprehensive understanding of the language and set them on the right path to mastering it.
  8. Logic and Scientific Thinking: This course acquaints students with the principles of sound scientific thinking and organizing their thoughts. It aims to equip students with the ability to engage in constructive scientific criticism based on sound mental principles while enabling them to identify the sources of error in reasoning. This course covers the nature of logic, its subject matter, the validity of its application, and mental perceptions and their categories.
  9. Ethics of the Profession and its Legislation: This course Introduces students to the importance of ethics and an overview of professional culture, Types of human behavior and the role of individuals in spreading awareness.
  10. Collaboration and teamwork, professional etiquette across different culture, The role of organizations in regulating professional work, Introduction to professional ethics, its conditions and requirements, and the legal laws and regulations governing the engineering profession.
  11. Urban Sociology: It provides students with Social studies about ancient civilizations, Social studies in civil philosophy, Human urbanization, Concepts of sociology, Urban sociology, Urbanization and social relations in rural and urban areas, Contemporary organization crisis, The concept and values of leisure, Study of phenomena and general influences of neighborhoods and social life.
  12. Humanities Civilization: This course aims to introduce students to the concept and importance of civilization, including ancient civilizations, Islamic civilization, and modern European civilization. It covers the factors leading to the rise and fall of civilizations and the achievements made by these civilizations in various political, economic, social, and scientific fields.
  13. Management and Organization of Engineering Projects: This course introduces students to the field of management, The general framework for managing engineering projects, Elements and tools of project management, Relationship between time, cost, and resources, Cost-quality relationship and time scheduling.
  14. General site planning, Planning using the critical path method (CPM and Logical network analysis.
  15. Site Planning and Coordination: This course covers the field of site planning, including its definition and significance, The status of basic site planning in Western and Arab countries, The fundamental elements of a site, including climate, water elements, plant elements, and buildings, Principles of assembling buildings and resulting voids Understanding movement and its implications, Sidewalks, streets, and pedestrian pathways, including their classification and design standards.
  16. Chemistry for Engineers: This course informs students about Chemical laboratory processes, Chemical solutions and quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis, Water hardness, cement testing, plastic testing, and stone testing, Metal coatings, copper plating, nickel plating, and tin plating, Metal pigments.
  17. Statics: This course covers several topics including: Introduction to the mechanics of rigid bodies. Force vectors and equilibrium, Equivalent force systems, Static equilibrium, Friction, Engineering properties of sections (area, centroid, static moment, moment of inertia), Transfer and rotation in structures, Equilibrium of trusses and methods for calculating internal forces and Equilibrium of frames.
  18. Biostatistics: This course introduces students to organization of statistical data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, basic principles of probability calculation, random variables and probability distributions.
  19. Correlation and its types, simple and multiple regressions, Variance, and selection of statistical hypotheses.
  20. Public Health: This course introduces students to concepts and objectives of public health, public health activities, epidemiology (causes of disease, risk factors, and environment), health and the environment, influenza, health supervision of food, solid and liquid waste, smoking, health education, primary healthcare Vital statistics,  and maternal and child care and family planning.
  21. Communication Skills: This course aims to introduce students to communication, its types, and levels, as well as the concept of self. It empowers students to understand self-concept and self-awareness. Throughout this course, students study the principles and theories of communication, the factors affecting communication effectiveness, and how to develop various communication skills. It focuses on individual interaction within a group and individual interaction with the environment.
  22. Arabic Language: This course covers topics about grammar and sentence structure: Verb phrases, nominal sentences, Inflected letters, imitative verbs, exclamatory style, warning style, specialization style, praise and blame style, conditional style, numbers, common mistakes, “Do Not Blame Him” by Ibn Zuraq Al-Baghdadi. “Najwa” by Khairuddin Al-Zarkali.
  23. Mathematics: It Inverses trigonometric functions and their derivatives, limits and L’Hôpital’s Rule, partial derivatives, indefinite integration and its properties, integration techniques, definite integration and its applications, numerical and series sequences, convergence tests, study of some surfaces and curves in space (analytic geometry, differential equations (general concepts), solving some first-order differential equations, and linear equations with constant coefficients, brief overview of determinants and their use in solving systems of linear equations (Cramer’s Rule).
  24. Physics: This course introduces students to heat and thermal expansion, heat transfer, kinetic theory of gases. Geometrical optics, reflection, refraction, Motion, force and Newton’s laws, work and energy, elasticity, sound, waves, speed of sound in materials, sound reflection and absorption, static electricity and magnetism. direct current, and electromagnetic forces.
  25. Architectural Construction: This course introduces students to introduction to architectural construction. Structural systems and construction methods, evolution of the construction industry, stages and steps of project execution, site preparation and excavation, soil bearing capacity, foundations, wooden and metal formwork (shuttering) horizontal structural elements (roofs) and cladding.
  26. Engineering Software 1: This course introduces students to design using: Photoshop 3ds Max
  27. Descriptive Geometry: it covers projection methods, branches of descriptive geometry, representation of points, representation of lines, representation of planes, different positions of lines and planes, descriptive geometry techniques, rotation method, application method, measurement problems, polyhedral , rotational shapes and shadows.
  28. Urban Planning Theories: This course introduces students to Arab-Islamic Cities, the Emergence and Development of Cities, factors Influencing Urban Planning, urban planning, city Elements and components and urban Planning Studies in Syria.
  29. Architecture Theories 1: This course covers the Concept of Architecture and its Fundamental Aspects. Composition and Configuration in Architecture, Basic Compositional Means (Technical Building System and Structural Systems), Means of Harmony (Symmetry and Asymmetry, Contrast and Proximity, Proportion and Scale, Dominance, Measure, Rhythm, and Repetition), Supporting Compositional Means (Light, Colors, Decorations, and the Nature and Objectives of Design, Architectural Design Methodology.
  30. History of Architecture 1: This course introduces students to the Concept of Architectural History and the Importance of Architectural and Urban Heritage, Prehistoric Architecture (The Emergence of Primitive Dwellings, Reasons, and Needs), Architecture of Ancient Egypt (Tomb Architecture, Temple Architecture). Mesopotamian Architecture (Architecture between the Two Rivers, Greek Architecture, Roman Architecture in Syria, Christian and Eastern Byzantine Architecture in the Levant, and Persian Architecture.
  31. History of Architecture 2: This course introduces students to Architecture and Urban Planning in Pre-Islamic Times, Islamic City Planning (Philosophy and Islamic Characteristics), Islamic Architectural Styles and Periods (Early Islamic, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, Ottoman), Specificity and Its Impact on Islamic Architecture, Elements of Islamic Architecture (Mosques, Vaulted Streets, Courtyards, Fountains, Domes, Minarets, Columns, Porticoes, Mashrabiya, Broken Entrance, Arabic Calligraphy, and Ornamets), and This course introduces students to Western Architecture ( Romanesque Architecture (900-1150 CE and Gothic Architecture (1000-1500 CE). The Influence of Western Architecture on Arab and Islamic Cities in the 19th and 20th Centuriesa, nd Architecture during the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution (14-17th centuries CE).
  32. Freehand Drawing: This course enables students to be familiar with free hand drawing by hand with a pencil. It includes drawing from observation both indoors and outdoors, as well as drawing from memory. Training in drawing with line in front of models, geometric shapes, and various objects (still life) using pencil techniques and their expressive capabilities. Training in drawing from memory of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes using ink pens and their architectural representation capabilities. Training in drawing objects, models, and various objects with shading in still life subjects. Training in drawing with shading architectural subjects from the surrounding environment, both modern and historical buildings. Sculpture: This involves examining aspects of composition and understanding the potential for organized arrangements derived from various geometric shapes. These arrangements are drawn in two and three dimensions using commonly accepted technical means. Training in shapes and exploring possibilities for both random and organized arrangements. Studying ornamental compositions using black and white coloring techniques as well as shades of gray. Understanding the concept of colors and drawing and coloring color circles and stars. Color experiments for optical illusion compositions. Training in creating models and models made of cardboard based on shapes with concave and convex characteristics (relief).
  33. Metal Structures: This course introduces students to Introduction to metal structures. Types and properties of steel used in metal structures. Methods of designing metal structures. Study and design of tension members. Study and design of compression members. Study and design of members subjected to bending. Metal connections. Design of bolted connections. Design of welded connections. Trusses: Types and principles of design and Metal roofs as well as to go through detailed execution for steel structures and connections.
  34. Building Materials: This course cover aggregates (soil, sand, gravel, stones) – Natural and artificial stones, their properties Cement, its properties, and mortar, Concrete, mix design, physical and mechanical properties. Wood, types, properties, and uses. Iron, its properties, Exterior industrial finishes, Synthetic materials, properties, and uses, Metallic materials, aluminum, metal alloys, Interior finishes, paint, treated glass, marble, tiles, gypsum and Insulation materials, moisture insulation, sound insulation, thermal insulation.
  35. Technical Installations: This course introduces students to Reservoirs, their geological and topographic conditions, Distribution of freshwater and its networks, Drainage of saline water and treatment, Lighting and electrical installations, and Sound and thermal insulation.
  36. Sustainable Architecture: This course helps students to be familiar with Architectural theory and environmental/natural data, Environmental influences in architecture, Choosing environmentally friendly materials and systems in architecture, Natural environmental design – Sustainable architecture, Architectural and urban implications of strategies for using renewable energy sources, Design using advanced technology and simple technology, Natural lighting – Architectural concepts and applications and Natural energy and thermal assessment.
  37. Specifications and Quantities: This course focuses mainly on Primary and final measurement tables, General conditions and specifications, Excavation and backfilling works, Ordinary and reinforced concrete works. Stone and marble construction and cladding works, plastering works, Wooden and metal joinery works. Flooring works, Painting works and Waterproofing and thermal insulation works.
  38. Structural Theories: This course discuses Loads applied to engineering structures, Stages of structural design, Important construction materials used in engineering structures, Linear structural elements (columns, beams, arches, frames), Planar structural elements (slabs, shells, domes), Spatial structural elements, Suspended structures (bridges, suspended roofs), Brief study of the most important engineering structures in the world and Methods of constructing engineering structures.
  39. Materials Resistance: This course introduces students to materials resistance, engineering properties of cross-sections, Study and analysis of stresses along a single axis, Study and analysis of stresses along multiple axes. Study of simple bending and Practical applications.
  40. Heating and Air Conditioning: This course introduces students Methods of central heating, Heat loss in buildings, Principles of air conditioning, Ventilation methods, and Psychological principles of comfort.
  41. Architectural Theories 2: This course helps students to know The evolution of architectural thought, trends, and architectural schools in the 19th century (Chicago, modern art, etc.) and the most important architects. The evolution of architectural thought and the trends of modern architecture in the first half of the 20th century (Expressive, functional, organic, etc.), the most important architects, Architectural trends and schools in the second half of the 20th century (new brutalism, metabolism, archigram, etc.) and the most important architects. Trends in postmodern architecture, and the most important architects of these trends.
  42. Architectural Criticism: students will be familiar with he relationship between architecture and art, and the art forms related to architecture, Aesthetic composition in architecture, Visual influences, proportions, colors, harmony, and contrast in architecture and Modern art, architecture, and technological advancements.
  43. Interior Architecture: Students will Study of the fundamentals of interior architectural design, Key principles of interior architectural design with practical applications (proportions, colors, furnishings, lighting, materials, decorative elements), A comprehensive applied project for an interior architectural space or a portion of an interior architectural space.
  44. Structural Analysis: This course enables students to be familiar In Castiglione’s Theory in structural analysis. The virtual work method, Analysis of indeterminate frames and indeterminate trusses and Moment distribution method.
  45. Surveying and Documentation: in Theoretical Part: General concepts in surveying, Methods for processing survey measurements and error theory, Topographic maps and survey drawings, Methods for measuring  buildings and structures, Area measurement, Photogrammetric mapping and its applications in architectural   In Practical Part: Students will learn Level surveying instruments. Height surveying instruments. Theodolite and its uses. Total Station instruments and their types.
  46. Shadow and Perspective: this course introduces students to General principles of architectural perspective drawing. Elements of architectural perspective drawing and drawing methods. Types of. Central perspective (single vanishing point perspective). Factors influencing perspective drawing. Analytical exercises for cubic volumes based on plan and elevation data. Applications on solved examples of existing architectural buildings. Review of special cases for displaying volumetric and spatial perspectives. Multiple vanishing points perspective. Circular perspective in horizontal, vertical, and inclined planes with cylindrical volumes. Applications with examples taken from real architectural contexts. Staircase perspective with special representation cases. Shadows in perspective and principles of drawing them. Shadows produced by a point light source Shadows produced by sunlight in sunny conditions, and Examples and applications from architectural reality.
  47. Engineering Software 2: Revit, BIM (Building Information Modeling)
  48. Principles of Architectural Drawing: This includes understanding architecture and learning the principles of drawing and representation, Studying architectural composition in two dimensions, Studying volumetric composition in space, Learning architectural drawing for plans, including floor plans, sections, elevations, and site plans, Concepts of residential development and the distribution of functional spaces, Studying residential spaces based on functional sequencing, including daytime and nighttime areas, These exercises are accompanied by general lectures on architectural concepts, architectural composition, architectural theories, and methods of preparing architectural drawings. In addition to concepts of housing and human housing. Number of Projects: 2,  Number of Seminars: 2
  49. Architectural Design 1: students study a small project using architectural design techniques to analyze information, functions, and architectural vocabulary, a small project using architectural design techniques with blocks and architectural volumes, the concept of architectural design in both categories: analysis and blocks. Number of Projects: 2 Number of Seminars: 2
  50. Architectural Design 2: this course will be familiar in designing Police station – Municipality in a village. Residential building “single-story – two-story – villas”, Small educational facility “kindergarten – elementary school”, Small service buildings (information center – clinic – post office – police station – municipality in a village), and Number of Projects: 2 Number of Seminars: 2

Architectural Design 3: Students will be taught how to design rural residence with a farm and poultry farming. Design of a park with various services (kitchen – cafeteria), Small mall – restaurant – cafeteria on a main road. Number of Projects: 2 Number of Seminars: 2,

  1. Architectural Design 4: Student s will study of residential units containing various housing models (linear – two-story – tower – Arabic housing), Commercial buildings – cultural buildings (cultural center – cinema – museum – theater), Educational buildings (high schools – vocational institutes), Small industrial facility, and Number of Projects: 2 Number of Seminars: 2
  2. Architectural Design 5: This course emphasizes mainly on touristic and recreational buildings (small motel – a group of restaurants and cafes), Reviving residential architectural vocabulary in the old city, Health buildings (clinic building – small hospital), Transportation buildings (small car rental center). Number of Projects: 2 Number of Seminars: 2.
  3. Construction Drawings 1: This course includes objectives, contents, executive drawing techniques, terminology. Study of executive plans (floor plans, elevations, foundations), Internal/external construction schedules, doors, windows, Study of floor covering layers in buildings (residential and public), Study of insulation methods against moisture, heat, sound, Study of fenestration types and uses, door, window, and shutter details. Study of stairs, and Plans and sections with finishing techniques.
  4. Reinforced Concrete: This course Introduces to reinforced concrete, Calculation of sections subjected to compression and tension using limit state and classical methods, Calculation of sections subjected to bending using limit state and classical methods, Solid slabs (one-way and two-way), Hollow-core slabs (one-way), Hollow-core slabs with two-way ribs, Flat stairs (working in the short direction, long direction, and both directions), and Foundations (isolated foundations subjected to axial loads, wall foundations subjected to lateral loads).
  5. Computer-Aided Design (CAD): The purpose of this course is for students to learn the basic concepts of architectural design using computer-aided design (CAD) software. This includes: Practicing the use of 2D and 3D drawing software. Teaching concepts and theory of computer-aided design to enable students to create architectural plans with the assistance of a computer. And Software: AutoCAD 2D and 3D.
  6. Architectural Design 6: This course covers Higher Education Facilities: Library, Colleges, Institutes, Residential Complex with Various Housing Models, Healthcare Buildings: General Hospital, Large Touristic and Entertainment Buildings: Hotel, Tourist Complex and Sports Buildings and Facilities: Indoor Sports Hall, Football Stadium. Number of Projects: 2., Number of Credits: 2.
  7. Urban Planning 1: Students Study of Residential Neighborhood Organization (6-12 housing units), Study of Grouping Residential Units (12-24), Study of School Clusters, Site Study for a Productive Public Facility, Study of Service Aggregation for Residential Groups, Study of an Amusement Park, Study of a Cemetery, Public Facilities and study of a Residential Area for Approximately 6000 Residents.
  8. Architectural Design 7: students will be familiar how to design Transportation Buildings: Major Bus Terminal, Train Stations, Airports, Ports, Administrative Buildings – Large Cultural Buildings: Large Theater, Cultural and Social Center, Industrial Buildings: Factories, Workshops, and Reviving Architectural Vocabulary for Service and Public Buildings in the Old City. Number of Projects: 2, Number of Credits: 2.
  9. Construction Drawings 2: students Study of Surface Water Drainage Plans, Study of Cutting and Expansion Joints, Study of General Site Plans, Study of Pitched Roofs, Their Uses, Construction Methods, and Covering. Study of Roofing Methods for Large Joints: Multipurpose Hall (Cinema), Cultural Building, Theater, and Sections of Iron/Aluminum.
  10. Architectural Design 8: Students will design study for residential buildings in an expanding area, Design study for residential buildings and vocabulary within the urban fabric of cities and old regions, Some types of public buildings: (Hotels, Hospitals, Commercial Centers, Transportation Buildings, Museums, Halls, Sports Facilities, Tourist and Entertainment Complexes).In the field of architectural preservation: Reviving and reusing some important heritage vocabulary within the urban fabric of historical cores and old cities. Number of Projects: 2., Number of Credits: 2.
  11. Urban Planning 2: Students will put plan for sports, cultural, and entertainment complexes, Passenger stations. Reviving parts of old cities, Organizing a small to medium-sized residential village or suburb, Children’s village. Tourist and entertainment complex, and Organizing service centers in regions and villages.
  12. Graduation Project: The graduation project consists of two stages: The student is not allowed to enter the second stage of the graduation project unless they have successfully passed the first stage. The student is not allowed to enter the first stage of the graduation project unless they have completed all eight architectural design courses, design execution courses (1-2), and urban planning courses (1-2).