Participation of the International University for Science and Renaissance in the graduation ceremony of “A Thousand Programmers” project with the Madad Organization

Sep 19, 2023 | cooperation, Internal cooperation

The International University for Science and Renaissance, represented by Dr. Hamam Al-San and Mr. Abdulmohaimen Al-Ismail, the Dean of the College of Information Technology and the Director of the Institute of Information and Network Security, participated in the graduation ceremony of a number of students from the “1000 Programmers” project with the Madad Organization. The project aims to provide a platform to equip students from the College of Information Technology, from the third year until graduation, as well as graduates from the college and the Computer Institute, in the field of software development and connect them with software companies. The International University for Science and Renaissance has employed 6 students from the Full Stack Web Developer Using PHP Laravel And ReactJS Track and 2 students from the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity training program. The university is proud to support its students in the job market and to play an active role in the community.