Management Information Systems Institute

Management Information Systems Institute

Study Program

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1-Study Program:

Students enrolled in the Associate Degree in Institute of Management information Systems (IMIS) must successfully complete the following (77 credit hours) during four regular semesters

  Type of Requirements (Req. Type) Requirement Nature (Reg. Nature) Number of Credit Hours
University (U) Elective (EL) 3
Obligatory (Ob) 3
College (C) Elective (EL) 6
  Obligatory (Ob) 11
Department (D) Elective (EL) 15
Obligatory (Ob) 39
Total of Credit Hours 77


In the following table, the names of the courses, their credit hours, the type of prerequisites, the nature of those prerequisites, and their previous requirements are listed:

Course Credit Regiments
No. Name Code Prerequisites Theoretical Lab Total Required Nature Type
1 English Language 1  (Expression and Writing Skills) ENGL1001 - 3 0 3 3 Ob U
2 Islamic Culture HUMA1001 - 3 0 3 3 El U
3 Humanities HUMA1002 - 3 0 3 El U
4 Arabic Language ARAB1005 - 3 0 3 El U
5 General Statistics STAT1001 - 3 0 3 11 Ob C
6 Computer Skills COM1001 - 1 1 2 Ob C
7 Principles of Management BUS1001 - 3 0 3 Ob C
8 Administrative Information Systems AISUO1002 - 3 0 3 Ob C
9 Principles of Microeconomics AISUO1001 - 3 0 3 6 El C
10 Turkish Language for Non-Specialists TURK1022 - 3 0 3 El C
11 Communication Skills HUMA1002 - 3 0 3 El C
12 Self-Management and Psychology PSY1046 - 3 0 3 El C
13 Public Health PUBH1001 - 3 0 3 El C
14 Entrepreneurship BUS4320 BUS3215 3 0 3 El C
15 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility BUS2002 - 3 0 3 El C
16 English Language 2 (Speaking Skills) ENGL2002 - 3 0 3 El C
17 Quality Management AISUO1003 - 3 0 3 El C
18 Information Systems Analysis AISUO1004 - 3 0 3 El C
19 Programming 1 AIS1001 - 2 1 3 39 Ob D
20 Programming 2 AIS1002 AIS1001 2 1 3 Ob D
21 Principles of Economics AIS1003 - 3 0 3 Ob D
22 Report Writing Using Computers AIS1004 COM1001 2 1 3 Ob D
23 Data Analysis Using Computers AIS1005 COM1001 2 1 3 Ob D
24 Database 1 AIS1006 - 2 1 3 Ob D
25 Computer Networks AIS1007 - 2 1 3 Ob D
26 English Terminology AIS1008 BUS1001 3 0 3 Ob D
27 Logistics Management BUS4322 - 3 0 3 Ob D
28 Accounting 1 AIS1010 - 3 0 3 Ob D
29 Accounting 2 AIS1011 AIS1010 3 0 3 Ob D
30 Human Resource Management AIS1012 BUS1001 3 0 3 Ob D
31 Project Management AIS1013 BUS1001 3 0 3 Ob D
32 Statistical Programming AISO1001 AIS1001 2 1 3 15 El D
33 Database 2 AISO1002 AIS1006 2 1 3 El D
34 Information and Network Security AISO1003 AIS1001 2 1 3 El D
35 Commercial Law AISO1004 BUS1001 3 0 3 El D
36 Marketing AISO1005 BUS1001 3 0 3 El D
37 Strategic Management AISO1006 BUS1001 3 0 3 El D
38 Web Applications   AISO1007   AIS1002-AIS1006 2   1   3 El D
39 Cloud Administrative Services AISO1008 COM1001 2 1 3 El D
40 Visual Programming AISO100 2 1 3 El D
Total credit hours 77

3-Courses Descriptions:

  1. English Language 1 (Expression and Writing Skills): This course is designed to prepare students for writing in the English language, focusing on integrated reading and writing skills. Students will study and practice reading comprehension, the writing process, and critical thinking. They will develop the necessary skills to write clear and correct sentences while crafting a variety of focused, developed, and organized paragraphs and/or short essays. Students will be responsible for writing several practical paragraphs/essays. The course may include section competency exams or portfolio assessment.
  2. Islamic Culture: This course aims to provide students with a range of topics related to Islamic culture, including Islamic creed, Islamic civilization, and Islamic ethics.
  3. Humanities: It studies topics and developments in world history from the emergence of the earliest human civilizations to the 21st As we explore civilizations from different times and places, we will encounter things that may seem strange and distant to us, but we will also discover that people of these ancient civilizations established patterns and practices of human behavior that continue to influence us.
  4. Principles of Statistics: The course aims to equip students with a set of skills and knowledge, including recognizing the importance of statistics, the ability to select appropriate statistical methods for data, applying them to computer programs, analyzing and interpreting the outputs, grasping statistical concepts, understanding the role of a statistical analyst, enhancing the student’s ability to participate in solving statistical problems, and knowing methods of data collection from interviews, surveys, and more. The course covers measures of central tendency, dispersion, simple and multiple regression analysis.
  5. Computer Skills: This course aims to provide students with the familiarity with information technology, understanding of the Windows operating system, and proficiency in Microsoft Office software suite.
  6. Principles of Management: This course examines how managers accomplish things in organizations that rely on dynamic processes of strategic planning, business development, budgeting, and operations to move their organizations forward and achieve results. It defines the concepts and skills needed for effective management in constantly changing circumstances. The course reviews the manager’s ability to influence the direction and performance of the organization, and students develop an appreciation for the value of these management activities and their relationship to employee performance.
  7. Microeconomics: The purpose of this course is to develop practical knowledge of the fundamental concepts and theories in microeconomics. This branch of economics deals with the interrelationships between individual businesses, industries, consumers, workers, and other factors of production that make up a modern economy. This course covers the essential elements related to the economic interests of society as a whole and those related to the private interests of countless individuals who constitute a modern economy. Understanding the concept of economics and its relationship to other sciences.
  8. English 2 (Conversation Skills): This course includes conversations, discussions, and presentations on a wide range of concrete, abstract, and specialized topics in the English language. It is designed to enhance speaking and listening skills for non-native English speakers, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and intonation patterns of American English. Emphasis is placed on oral communication, listening comprehension, and vocabulary development. Students build their skills through intensive teaching and practice.
  9. Quality Management: It explores the concept of “quality” within the organizational culture and how it has evolved over time. Various quality improvement techniques will be explored, including employee empowerment, quality improvement tools, cross-functional teams, leadership for quality, continuous improvement, process management, Taguchi methods, ISO 9000 standards, and the role of inspection in quality management. Additionally, issues related to implementing methods such as Total Quality Management (TQM) will be studied.
  10. Information Systems Analysis: This course aims to introduce the fundamental principles and various stages of information systems analysis and design. The course exposes students to individuals involved in information systems development and different techniques used in the analysis and design of these systems. It covers feasibility study documentation, system requirements, design, and development. The course also addresses the system development life cycle, data modeling, and user involvement in system development.
  11. Programming 1: It aims to equip students with designing and analyzing algorithms, Implementing algorithms using the Java programming language, familiarity with tools used in the Java environment, earning to use arithmetic operations effectively, learning to use conditions and loops effectively, understanding data structures and using them appropriately, Familiarity with functions and methods.
  12. Programming 2: This course aims to equip students with understanding two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, how to work with them, and how to solve problems using them, familiarity with lists, understanding recursion, text and number functions, and characters, and solving problems using them, and Introducing students to the banking sector and the workings of financial institutions.
  13. Reporting Using Computers: This course aims to provide students with the necessary skills such as, Introducing students to data collection tools, familiarity with advanced use of MS Word, analyzing and summarizing data and creating charts using Excel, creating charts using charting software and sending reports via email and business communication etiquette with companies and institutions.
  14. Data Analysis Using Computers: This course covers data patterns, methods of describing them, the concept of data reduction, factor analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis, and cluster analysis. Practical applications are done using the statistical software SPSS. By the end of this course, students should be able to: Identify data patterns and methods for describing and analyzing them, understand the concept of data reduction, clean and preprocess data, apply various data analysis techniques (factor analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis, cluster analysis, etc.) and perform data analysis using the statistical software SPSS.
  15. Database 1: The course aims to introduce students to the concepts of databases by defining them and covering: Types of databases (network, hierarchical, relational) with a focus on relational databases and database management systems, application of data and its types (1NF-2NF-3NF-BCNF) and study of the structured query language SQL (DML, DCL, DDL, DQL, TC).
  16. Computer Networks: This course focuses on data communication networks by analyzing their basic components, methods of implementation, characteristics, and classification, iIt also describes reference models for networks such as the OSI model and TCP/IP and important protocols used for data transfer between different systems it also covers local area networks (LANs) given their widespread use in organizations, how to interconnect LANs, and the devices used.
  17. Business Information Systems Terminology in English: This course aims to provide students with basic vocabulary in English related to the field of business administration so that students have a clear understanding of abbreviations and administrative terms within any organization.
  18. Graduation project: This course aims to introduce students to the software industry job market by assigning each student or a group of students a real software project that is in demand in the software industry. This prepares the student to start working in software companies immediately after graduation.


  1. Principles of accounting 1. The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop a fundamental understanding of basic accounting concepts and practices. The course focuses on the fundamental accounting concepts and techniques necessary to interpret and use financial information in managing and analyzing business operations. It covers the stages of the accounting cycle and accounting for financial, capital, and revenue transactions, as well as the accounting treatment of commercial papers and the preparation of financial statements.
  2. Principles of Accounting 2: This course aims to introduce students to the basics of financial accounting and intermediate accounting, especially in relation to the latest developments in practical applications covered by International Accounting Standards (IAS) and their legitimate successor, “International Financial Reporting Standards” (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The course also contributes to clarifying the accounting treatments related to inventory reconciliations for revenues and expenses based on accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on financial statements. It covers periodic measurement of accounting profit according to accepted or commonly recognized accounting principles in terms of how to record in accounting books, carry out adjustments, prepare, and present financial statements. Lastly, it teaches students how to use financial ratios as a tool for financial statement analysis.
  3. Human Resource Management: This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of key human resource functions typically found in organizational operations. Topics covered include strategic human resource planning, benefits and compensation, recruitment and selection, employee relations, labor relations, training and development. The course is based on current human resource practices and relevant research.
  4. Project Management: This course develops a foundation for concepts and solutions that support planning, scheduling, control, resource allocation, and required performance measurement activities needed to successfully complete a project. The course aims to equip students with understanding the concept of small projects, providing students with the importance of small projects for national economies, understanding the crucial economic and social roles of these projects and the mechanism for developing small projects, especially in the context of current global economic variables such as globalization, economic blocs, and increasing trade openness between countries.
  5. Statistical Programming This course provides fundamental concepts in data analysis using programming languages such as Python or the R programming language. It aims to enable students to extract important insights and information from data.
  6. Databases 2: This course covers the fundamental concepts of managing database management systems, ensuring data sustainability, and preventing data modification. Additionally, it includes a section on how to create and develop reusable procedural code using database concepts.
  7. Information and Network Security This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of information security, including confidentiality, integrity, availability, and ensuring the proper implementation of these concepts. It also familiarizes students with encryption algorithms and methods to protect individuals dealing with modern technology from hacking, theft, and the destruction of critical information.
  8. Commercial Law : This course covers the origins and evolution of commercial law, studying both domestic and maritime commercial activities. It explores the definition of a merchant, the necessary conditions for one to be considered a merchant, obligations related to registration in the commercial registry, maintaining commercial records, establishing a commercial address, and the concept of a store. It also delves into the protection of commercial interests, the study of commercial contracts in general, commercial mortgages, ordinary agency, commission agency, brokerage, and commercial representation. Additionally, the course encompasses various types of commercial contracts.
  9. Principles of Marketing: In this course, students will be introduced to various aspects of marketing, including: Marketing Strategy,  promotion, market Planning, distribution, industrial marketing, retail and wholesale marketing, target marketing, international marketing,  market segmentation  and pricing,  analyzing various environmental factors affecting marketing performance and the marketer’s role in identifying marketing opportunities, understanding the significance of marketing in satisfying customer needs and enhancing overall quality for the company,  recognizing the importance of marketing systems within the environmental, social, and managerial framework and addressing business questions regarding product management, pricing, and reaching customers effectively.
  10. Strategic Management: This course explores the relationships between organizations and their environments from a corporate policy perspective. Topics to be discussed include organizational structure and development, competitive analysis, long and short-term planning, vision and mission statement creation, goal implementation, performance indicators, and evaluation.
  11. Web Application Development: This course aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of web design, understanding the use of images, links, menus, tables, and forms, familiarity with the overall interface and main template design, learning how to use formatting tools for elements and attributes, building responsive web interfaces for mobile devices, introduction to JavaScript and working with HTML elements through JavaScript, understanding the client-server concepts.
  12. Cloud Administrative Services: This course aims to introduce students to cloud services in general. overview of cloud-based administrative services available through online platforms offered by companies that provide cloud services, detailed information about services that handle task distribution, file sharing, and employee productivity tracking and understanding financial services and large-scale cloud company management systems.
  13. Visual Programming: This course aims to equip students with the techniques and skills necessary to create high-performance software applications that run on computers. This subject is crucial in software engineering, as it enables the development of software applications used in automating hospitals, factories, and warehouse management. Additionally, it allows the creation of applications based on other elements such as audio and video streaming, chat applications, and networked applications.
  14. Information Systems Management: This course aims to provide students with an understanding of administrative information system concepts, including network components, databases, security policies, and access control.